


重要的是: Once you are admitted to 威尼斯人app下载 and you have been notified that you will 正在收到签证资格文件,等等. 不要试图进入美国 没有学生签证. 如果你 use a non-student visa to enter the United States, it may not be possible to change your status; you may be required to return home to 获得正确的签证并重新进入美国.S. 处于正确的状态.

When you receive your visa eligibility 论文, make arrangements to visit your nearest U.S. 领事馆. Read carefully the instructions that will be included with your visa 论文. Consular officers start with the presumption that you actually want to immigrate 永久定居美国. Your job is to convince the officer that you will 学习结束后回家. Bear in mind that student visas cannot be issued more than 90 days prior to the start of your study program. 但是,你的签证申请 may be submitted earlier, and early submission is a good idea if you will likely be subject to extensive, time-consuming security checks.

Once you have your visa, make arrangements to travel. 记住美国 immigration authorities will not permit you to enter the U.S. 30多天前 签证纸上的项目开始日期. 如果你乘飞机旅行,你会的 可能想要 阿尔伯克基,新墨西哥州,你的最终目的地. Ideally, you will arrive at Tech a few days before the program start date so that you will have time to recover from jet lag and to find housing. 本科s may also want to attend some of the regular Orientation sessions during 开学前的那个周末. 特别国际情况介绍会 are held on Registration Day (the Monday before classes begin).

As you approach the United States port of entry…

Get ready to show the immigration officer your passport (with the visa stamp), your letter of admission, and your visa eligibility 论文 (which the 领事馆 may have 放入密封的官方信封内). You will also be given a two-part I-94 ("Arrival-Departure 记录”).I-94公路正在改为电子系统.  准确打印您的信息 在这张卡片上.

As you pass through the immigration checkpoint, make sure that the officer:

  1. 在签证纸上盖章并交还给你;
  2. Stamps your passport and returns it to you; and
  3. Stamps your I-94 and returns the "Departure Record" part to you.
  4. Writes your visa type and "D/S" ("Duration of Status") on each stamp.

If these things do not happen, you may have trouble proving that you were legally 被允许进入美国.

NB: Canadians and others not required to show passports or visas may ignore Step #2.


Most students arrive at the Albuquerque airport and travel to Socorro the same day. Socorro is 75 miles (about 120 km) south of Albuquerque. 因为学生到达 all times of day and night for a period of two or three weeks, we cannot promise a 机场有接机服务. 如果你 电子邮件我们 your complete arrival information (day, time, airline, and flight number), we will pass this info to other students from your country or in your academic department to see if anyone is able to make the trip to meet you at the airport.

However, if you do not receive an e-mail confirming that such arrangements have been made, you should contact the International and Exchange Program office at international@admin.mogrenlandscape.com. There is a shuttle from the airport to the train station (RailRunner),它会带你去新墨西哥州的贝伦. 从贝伦你可以 坐另一班班车去威尼斯人app下载.  检查 RailRunner网站.

You should be prepared to stay in one of Socorro's motels (about $35 to $85 per night) 直到你搬进你的永久住所.


威尼斯人app下载 offers a variety of accommodations on campus. 为了看到各种可能性, 查看我们的 住宅生活 页面. From there, you will be able to download a reservation application and get 你所有的问题都得到了解答.

Bear in mind that, if you make a reservation (and get a confirmation of that reservation) for on-campus housing, you generally will not be able to move into your room until 上课前三四天. 这就是为什么我们说你应该做好准备 to spend one or more nights in a motel when you arrive.


Socorro offers many housing possibilities within easy walking distance of campus. Both apartments and houses are available, with rents ranging from $200 to $600 per month, depending on the size and the number of bedrooms. 要找职位空缺,你可以:

Remember that the initial cost of renting is high because the landlord will ask for "first and last month's rent" and a security/damage deposit. This can amount to about three times the monthly charge itself.

For example, if the monthly rate is $300, you (or you and your roommates) will probably have to give about $900 at the outset in order to move in.

Later, when you are ready to move out, the last month's rent is returned to you, along with any security/damage deposit that is owed you. 当你活着的时候,也要记住这一点 off campus, you are responsible for the utilities (water, gas, electricity, telephone). And, no matter where you live, you will need to purchase (or bring with you) some bed linens: mattress pad/protector, sheets, pillow and pillowcase, and one or two 毯子.